Sunday, January 18, 2015

Writer interview (Part 3)/ Dynacor Media

This is on my

Dec. 15 Writer interview (Part 3): Here is another interview with an imaginary host interviewing me.  This was written over a period of a few weeks in Nov. 2014 before I typed it up today.

It’s kind of therapeutic like I’m talking to a counselor. 

Host: So it’s been awhile since you went to the Counselor #3.  It was in your blog post “counseling/ should I continue into TV production?”  Since then you put up 3 emails/ blog posts a week.  It used to be 1 post a week about writing and now it’s 2 posts a week about writing.  Why is that?

Tracy: If you look at my “Anita Shreve/ Northwest Angle/ digital version” post, you can see I’m battling writer’s block.  I put up book reviews to know the stories and author interviews to know the creative process.  I have expanded to paid writing articles:

“Writing off magazines/ bad writing”:

I also put up a post about self- publishing “Melissa Leong’s self-publishing (Part 1)”:

Host: So what about paid writing?

Tracy: The articles were kind of sad because the reality is that it’s very hard to be a writer that gets paid.

Host: Do you plan on self-publishing?

Tracy: I don’t have a book to self-publish.  I have a completed screenplay The Vertex Fighter and 2 blogs.

I know when to narrow and widen my focus.  For 3 yrs, 2008-2010 of constantly pitching my script.  Then I got laid off from the Soup place and I was busy looking for a job and then working.  In 2014, I widened my focus with putting up book reviews, author interviews, paid writing articles, and self-publishing articles in my blog.

You don’t know this, but after I put up the articles on my blogs, I then put the newspapers into a big envelope and give it to my co-worker Je.  At first I cut out a few comics and articles in the news about superheroes and zombies like The Walking Dead.  But now, I decided to throw in those book articles too.

Usually my inspiration comes from watching good TV shows like Once Upon a Time and The Mentalist.  Or checking out new shows during the fall and mid-season.  I also read TV shows and movie reviews in the newspaper.

Host: So what’s the feedback on the “writing” posts?

Tracy: None of my friends or blog readers have made any comments about why I post 2 blog posts a week about writing.  It’s rare that my friends email me back and people comment on my blog.  I can see people read my posts by my page views.  I can only imagine their feedback like:

“Put up more non-fiction book reviews, because I prefer to read non-fiction.”

“Put up more fiction book reviews, because I prefer fiction.”

“Write about something else like the news more often.”

I don’t know, it’s my speculation.  I also speculate friends and blog readers are like: “Wow, Tracy sure cuts out a lot of news articles about writing.”

Host: Are you still cutting out news articles about writing?

Tracy: Yeah, but I’m more selective.  I have written about this before around 2013, I got laid off in 2010, and I start reading the newspaper more often because I had more free time.  I look for a job a lot, but it doesn’t fill out the whole day.  I found good articles and I cut it out.  In 2010-2012, I cut out a lot.  By 2013, I really need to not cut out so much.  Now it’s 2014, and I am creating the digital version by putting all these articles up.  In a way, it’s like people putting up pictures up on the cloud.

I’m going to mainly put up all these old articles from 2010-2012 because they’re old.

Host: So you put up all these articles about writing.  So have you beaten writer’s block?

Tracy: I haven’t written any scripts.  I did expose myself to all these books and authors, paid writing, and self-publishing, but I haven’t written a script.  I put these articles up and write my opinions on it.

Host: So what happens when you finish putting up all these writing articles up on your blog?

Tracy: I don’t know if I can finish putting up all these articles.  I did cut out some writing articles in 2013 and 2014.  Not as much.  At the very least I tried and expanded my mind by rereading all these articles.  And I decluttered and got my friends and blog readers reading these articles.

After all this, I haven’t found my life direction.  Career wise.  I didn’t beat writer’s block.

Host: Did you really think that you would get your groove back, life direction, beat writer’s block, find your inspiration and motivation back in all these news articles about writing?

Tracy: Yeah.  Well is there anyone here who thought it was so out there that I was reading writer’s articles to get inspiration and motivation to write?  I was inspired, but not enough to write a script, continue pitching my script, or get my writing career going.

It’s one of those things where you have to try and act on it, to see how it goes.  It’s like going to a job interview.  You can prepare by researching the company, anticipating questions, rehearsing answers, and then go to it.  After the interview, they may decide to hire someone else.  At least you went to the interview and acted on it.

At least I tried to be inspired to get my writing career going by putting up all these writing articles up.

Dec. 16 Dynacor Media: Yesterday I was sick.  I remember this time way back in 2012: The Year of New Directions where I started applying to TV production companies.  I talked to my friend A on the phone and she asked why I didn’t do this sooner.  I did way back in 2008.  It was around Apr.- Jun. 2008. 

Yesterday I went on my blog and started looking for it.  I thought I wrote about it.  I edited some spelling mistakes on posts, and put titles to my posts that were missing titles.  I read through Apr.- Jun. 2008 posts and then some posts before and after that time. 

I can’t find the job interview.  I might as well say it now.  I did an interview at Dynacor Media.  I took a taxi to the interview.

Jan. 4 Publishing companies: I am now looking for a job at publishing companies.  I thought: “Did I look for a job at publishing companies before?”  I looked it up on my blog and I did in 2012.  I remember the name of one company Lone Pine Publishing, but I don’t remember applying.  That’s why I encourage all of you to keep a blog or a journal. 

It’s to keep track of the passage of time.  You never know what you forget.  What if you have amnesia or Alzheimer’s?  

Lone Pine Publishing is really far away from where I live.

Monday, January 12, 2015

"Parents shouldn't be afraid of fantasy violence author says"

This is on my  This is a news email, but the first article is an author interview.

Dec. 15"Parents shouldn't be afraid of fantasy violence author says": I cut out this Edmonton Journal article by Theresa Walker way back in Jun. 18, 2002.

Gerard Jones is on the phone when the excited voices of little boys interrupt.

``Hey, Dad,'' his 9-year-old son asks, ``can we mess up my bed?'' Mr. Jones thinks for about, oh, two seconds, then answers, ``Sure.''

Jones believes in letting kids roughhouse and blow off some steam, even if it means knocking pillows and blankets out of place.

That very belief is at the heart of the recently published ``Killing Monsters: Why Children Need Fantasy, Super Heroes, and Make-Believe Violence'' (Basic Books, $25).

The premise of Mr. Jones' book is directly opposite to the conventional wisdom embraced over the past 30 years or so by researchers, psychologists, educators and parents.

Mr. Jones contends that the fantasy violence in entertainment -- comic books, popular fiction, video games, television shows, music and movies -- is not bad for children.

In fact, he says these action heroes and adventure games actually help children overcome their own fears and develop a stronger sense of themselves.

So if your kids are lining up to see ``Star Wars: Episode II'' for the fifth time or have rented the Spider-Man video game based on the box office hit ``Spider-Man'' enough times to own it, that's nothing to worry about by his reckoning.

Mr. Jones does know a thing or two about action heroes: He has written for comic books and for the screen, with credits that include ``Batman,'' ``Spider-Man'' and ``Pokemon.''

To support his argument, Mr. Jones draws on his own experiences conducting comic-book drawing workshops with schoolchildren and from interviews with experts in child psychiatry, psychology and children and the media.

Once his son went into his room and Mr. Jones had some quiet time to talk, he answered a few questions about his book and his theories.

Question: Why do children need fantasy violence?

Answer: ``In a world where kids don't get to express anger much or their desire to be more powerful, they need a fantasy land where they can explore the opposite and be the opposite. Life is a little less secure for kids, things change faster for kids. Kids today are more aware of real violence. They see it on the news. It's more intense and more explicit than it used to be. So they have more real concerns. The more real stuff they have to worry about, the more they need stories about the same thing that can help them make some sense out of it, help them feel more in control over it.''

Q: You say in the book that the attraction of entertainment violence is more about action, power and mastering life than it is about attraction to violence. Can you explain what you mean?

A: ``Sometimes when we look at something like a bloody video game, the thing that adults notice is the blood, the violence. What gets lost is that the basic story is about suspense, about being the underdog and overcoming huge odds, about being the good guy or the sympathetic character.''

Q: So you're saying violence in entertainment doesn't desensitize kids, contrary to popular belief?

A: ``It's understandable to worry about that, but there really is no evidence of that. Some kids do get overexcited by it, or use it to malicious purpose. But I've never seen any evidence in the research or from the people I've talked to that because kids see too much violence on TV or in the movies that they cease to react to real violence.''

Q: What about all the research that has been telling us for years that today's children are more violent because of the TV shows, video games, music and other influences of pop culture?

A: ``Most of it is misinterpretation coming from our worries. There are some kids who don't handle this stuff well. But they are already angry and looking for something to give some shape or focus to what they do. Most of lab tests show that kids who watch violent videos and then get up and act violently are play fighting. The researchers are missing the distinction.''

Q: Can you talk more about how children connect with the emotional content of entertainment and overlook the more literal messages?

A: ``Very nice kids and kids who want to be part of society often really love adventure stories with a kind of bad character. Clearly what they are connecting with is that thrill of being a bad guy for a while.  

They're not learning anything morally from it, and don't want to. They're just connecting with the play aspect of it. They come home from school and want to escape to another world. In a way, they're more honest about who they are than we let them be.''

Jan. 10 Paris terrorist attacks: I’m sure all of you heard about the Paris terrorist attacks from Jan. 8-10.  It was intense.  I’m sorry that all these people got killed.  I hope for all the people affected by it get counseling. 

Inspirational: Watch how a homeless man spends $100: Now let’s balance it with some good news.  I found this video on Yahoo on Dec. 24, 2014.  It’s by Rumble 4:44 min. 
Josh Paler Lin gave a homeless man $100 and proceeded to follow him to see how he would spend the money. You may be surprised with what he does! Search 'JoshPalerLin' for more content! Credit to Josh Paler Lin.”

My opinion: Josh gives a $100 to a homeless man and the man asks: “Are you sure?  I’m starting to tear up.  Can I give you a hug?”  They hug.

Man then goes to a liquor store and then goes to a picnic table and gives food to two people.  He then goes to another picnic table and gives food to some other people.  Josh goes up to him and talks to him and gives him more money.

The man talks about how his step dad died of cancer, and his mom died 2 weeks later due to kidney failure.  Then the building he was in got sold and he’s been homeless for 4 months.  It was inspirational.

Beauty queen raises 20k for homeless man: I read about it in Metro and had to read more about it:
A homeless man has embodied the spirit of Christmas by offering a student his last $5 so she could get a taxi to get home safely after a night out.

Dominique Harrison-Bentzen, 22, was so touched by the man’s gesture of kindness, she is now spending 24 hours on the street to raise money for him to rent his own apartment.

“He has been homeless for seven months through no fault of his own and he can’t get work due to having no address,” Harrison-Bentzen told The Mirror.”

Cyclist cheats death: There’s a crazy video of this guy riding a bike and this huge truck runs him over.  However, the cyclist gets between the wheels so he only got bruises.